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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Obelisk Gate by N.K. Jemisin ~ The Broken Earth Trilogy - Review

Before you continue reading, this post contains spoilers from the first book of The Broken Earth trilogy: The Fifth Season. So if you haven't read that book what are you doing here? Go read that book! If you need some extra motivation read my spoiler-free review of The Fifth Season here

The Obelisk Gate is the second book in N.K. Jemisin's The Broken Earth trilogy. In the first book of the series we had three storylines, and at the end of the book, it became clear that these storylines were the pasts and present of Essun. The present of Essun is written in the second person. The narrator is addressing you as if you are the one having these thoughts. The more I read in this second-person style the more I enjoy and like it. It is so unique, yet makes me so much more involved in the story. I feel like this is something that might be disliked a lot, but to me, it is just so well done. As a reader, I felt so involved in the story and I knew the feelings of Essun so well. 

Because The Fifth Season concludes with the three storylines connecting, I wondered how this book would pick that up. Well, we got Nassun and I am so happy! Nassun is the daughter of Essun, who went away with her father after her father found out that his wife and children are oregenes. Jija (the father) killed his youngest son but was unable to murder his daughter (his favourite) so he took her away from his wife (Essun). In The Fifth Season, we see Essun chase her daughter. In The Obelisk Gate, Essun is unable to go after her daughter, because she is reunited with Alabaster, who has big plans for her. But we now also follow Nassun, we are informed on how her travels with her father went and how she slowly masters her own power.  

A lot happens in this book, yet it also felt very static. The characters do not travel as much and stay in the same place while this was different in the first book. But we do learn a lot about the world and its Seasons. We learn a lot about Stone-eaters and about how to safe the world. I really wanted to see Essun and Nassun reunite in this book, but I was disappointed in that. I guess that this will come in the next book, though. 

The world that Jemisin has created in these books I so diverse, and that makes it so realistic. I did not get into this in my review on the first book. But the diversity of the characters within the novel is so damn good! Jemisin showed that there's absolutely no excuse not to create a diverse fantasy world. It is so including and so representational of all types of people and sexualities and relationships. White, cis worlds are not of this time anymore, Jemisin shows the way of how to create something so diverse yet so cohesive. I'm in awe of it. 

I found the feelings and emotions of Essun (but Nassun too) well written. I'm not a mother, but I truly felt her worries over her daughter. I understood the motherly emotions she had and it was so well done. Essun is just such a strong character and ready to fight anyone that stands in her way to get to her child. Even though Nassun doesn't see this (yet?), her mother is amazing and strong. 

In The Obelisk Gate, the characters start looking up, into the sky. To the obelisks that are flying around, slowly learning more and more about them. Which ends the novel on a cliffhanger, making sure that you want to continue the series. And I am ready for it. I want to learn even more about this world, discover more and get immersed in it again. This series already has a special place in my heart. 

Like I said in my other review, this world is very dense and confusing. Even after reading two books, I feel like there is so much that I don't know yet. For newcomers to fantasy, I wouldn't immediately recommend this series. It's amazing, but it's a lot! However, if you read a lot of fantasy, go and read this series. It is so amazing!! 

That was it from me today, I hope you all have a wonderful day. See you soon!



Interested in reading The Obelisk Gate or the entire Broken Earth Trilogy? Click the links to purchase the books (these are affiliate links). 
