About me

Hi! Welcome to my bookblog! My name is Julia, on this blog I share my most recent reads, books that I love and much more. Feel free to look around and leave any recommendations!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Looking back on my first 3 months of bookblogging

Today I have more of a reflecting type of post for you. It has been three months since I started this blog, and I am very proud of the fact that I was able to keep my posting schedule steady, even while I've started university. Through my book blog, I discovered Bookstagram, where I'm having a great time! In today's post, I wanted to take the time to reflect and look ahead, mention things I want to improve on and things I think that I am doing well. 

Let's start positive, I am proud of the fact that I am posting in a regular schedule which works for me. Every month I publish around 9 to 10 posts, which is a lot but manageable! I make sure that I plan ahead, in both the posts as well as the books I read. This way I find it easy to post regularly. I also really enjoy writing my posts, it is a fun way to use my creativity and I find that I just have so much that I want to say and share on this. I really liked writing my 'talking about classics' post, which also really picked up, so that was even more fun to see! This is something that I want to continue doing, sharing around one post a month like that. More text and really diving deeper into the topic. I already have some ideas in mind, but a post like that does take more time so I cannot guarantee a post like this every month.  

Something I want to improve is my pictures, I am really struggling with finding a good theme for my Bookstagram page. I take pictures with my phone and that makes it harder sometimes to get a quality photo but I'm doing the best I can. A good camera is high on my wishlist but expensive, so I need some time to save money for that. Also, I slowly want to expand my reading genres a bit more, now, I mostly read fantasy, which I enjoy (that's why I read it). However, I like to read different genre too, mostly because I think that it is good for me as an aspiring author to see how other books in other genres are written. I already do this a little by reading a classic a month, but I like to expand on this. 

For the future I like to keep my posting schedule as it is now, it is manageable for me and I think that posting two pictures on Instagram a week is good enough for now. I also am very busy with my studies so I do not want to burn myself out. For now, this blog is still a hobby, even though I would love to eventually make money off it! I hope that after my studies I can earn a living by writing and this blog would be a great starting point. Also, I want to find a way to get more readers on my blog, I see that not many people click the link in my Instagram's bio, which means not many people find my blog. This is something I am still pondering about. But then again, this blog is because I like writing about books and writing, not because I want views or money. 

In this second period of my studies, I will need to read a lot, because of this I am not sure if I can keep up reading 3/4 books a month for myself too. I hope I can because it is also a way of relaxing for me, to take some time off. But it is something that's in the back of my mind. I hope to make it work because I find book reviews fun to write, but here I will say it too I do not want to burn myself out. I am also slowly making a schedule for the books that I want to read in the last months of this year (for real it is almost 2021 what the heck?!). For early next year, I think I want to reread the ACOTAR series because A Court of Silver Flames will be published early February and I want to read that book as soon as possible!!!! There are many great releases coming next year and I make sure to share a post about that next month so that you will know what I am looking forward to reading. 

Okay, I think that this is it for me for today, I hope you enjoyed reading this reflection of me, also kind of dumping out a lot of random thoughts from my brain haahaha. I will see you in the next one!



