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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Jingle Bell Book Tag 2020

We are slowly nearing the end of 2020, so I thought that it was time for the last book tag of the year. The Jingle Bell book tag! The get you (and myself) in the Christmas spirit, let's get into it!

"All I want for Christmas is you..." ~ What book do you want to see under the Christmas tree?

I actually asked for books this year. My family, boyfriend and I decided to pick someone of us at random and for that person, we buy a gift and write a poem. I find books perfect for such gifts as they are not too expensive but something I really like. For my wishlist, I wrote down Atomic Habits by James Clear and Save the Cat! Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody. Hopefully, I will receive one of these two. I like asking for non-fiction as I will probably reread (parts of) the book. 

"Simply having a wonderful Christmas time..." ~ What book that you have read this year have you enjoyed the most?

Oh, that's a good one! I actually read a lot of books I liked this year. Such as Wicked King by Holly Black, Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson, Normal People by Sally Rooney, The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien and The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin. Yes, I read a lot of fantasy this year and I do not regret it for a second! You can view all the books I read this year here, and become friends with me on Goodreads too if you're there! 

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..." ~Which book has the most festive look to it?

Well, that must be A Christmas Carol I recently bought. I really want to read it this year to get more into the Christmas spirit. The red and gold really give these Christmassy vibes in my opinion, which I really like. You can expect a review of the novel soon!

"Elf" ~ What book unleashes your inner child?

My 'inner child' ... I don't know really. However, I did reread the entire Iron Fey series at the start of this year which brought me back to my early teenage years. This series was the first I really fangirled about. And even tried to write fanfiction off. The first book crush I had too by the way. So rereading that was quite fun although now the series did feel a bit childish to me. But I guess that's part of the beauty of it too. When I read those books I was a little younger than the main character which made it very 'believable' or at least I could see myself in her. Now, I am older, which changes my perspective of course. But I loved to revisit this world, Julie Kagawa did an amazing job with it. 

"The Grinch" ~Who is your favourite villain?

This is a hard question actually! I do not read much villain-and-hero type of stories. Often the villains are more nuanced and not the only person doing bad things. If I have to choose I would go for Amarentha from A Court of Thorns and Roses tho. I did not like her one bit, which makes her a good villain I guess. Yeah, this is a hard one. 

"The Holiday" ~ Name your two favourite couples

Feyre and Rhysand from ACOTAR, no questions asked. And I guess Bryce and Hunt from House of Earth and Blood. Although that is only the first book of the series, and we all know that Sarah J. Maas never sticks with the first love interest. But breaking them up would make me really sad so I hope they stay together! I love their chemistry and yes I just want to see more of them together!

What book would you like to give as a present to your followers?

I think I would give you The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin. This fantasy book just blew me away. Nowadays there is a lot more demand for inclusive and representational fantasy books, as the genre has lacked in that for quite some time. Jemisin did that fantastically. She has become one of my favourite authors and a definite inspiration for me. I hope to achieve what she did too in her series. To create a world that is realistic in the sense of sexuality and skin colour. I am glad that the fantasy genre is moving away from the only Eurocentric perspective and showing more than just white characters. Our reality is more than white people so our books should be too. Even though her magic system might be hard to grasp for beginners in the fantasy genre, the world is so well built and original. I am a big fan. 

I hope you enjoyed this book tag, the last of this year! I will see you again on Saturday (or if you follow my Bookstagram; tomorrow!). Stay safe!

With love,

