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Hi! Welcome to my bookblog! My name is Julia, on this blog I share my most recent reads, books that I love and much more. Feel free to look around and leave any recommendations!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The autumn book tag 2020

Today is the day for another book tag! Last month I did one too and I really enjoyed writing it and answering fun questions. After looking around on the internet I found this Autumn book tag, and I don't know who created it originally but I found these questions on The Quirky Book Nerd's blog. We are officially in autumn now, so this couldn't be timed better! I hope you enjoy reading my answers.

1. What is your favourite thing about autumn?
I love the colour it brings to the trees outside. All these colours of the leaves create such a lovely feeling. Also, I really like sitting on the couch by myself or with my boyfriend reading a book and sipping tea or hot chocolate, so that is also a positive thing of autumn. 
2. What book reminds you of your school days?
I think I would choose Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell for this question. I am still studying and the main character in this novel inspired me to follow my dreams and study English Literature. This book is one of the reasons why I found my passion for writing, it let me realise that what the main character did, I also really wanted to do. 

3. What cover reminds you of autumn?
Of the books I currently own I think The Deathless Girls by Kiran Millwood Hargrave, I read it last year. I bought it because of the cover, it is just so pretty and the colours do remind me of autumn. The book was a fun read, but the ending was a bit disappointing, it could have been so much better, but it felt rushed as if the writer had run out of pages. 
4. What is your favourite horror or Halloween story?
I do not really like horror or thriller stories because they always spook me out (that is the point though I get that), so I cannot really say that I have a favourite. But on my tbr list are still Dracula and Frankenstein (because I just want to read those classics) so I guess those then?
5. What is your favourite horror or Halloween film?
Same goes for this question, I am kind of a coward as it comes to horror films, I never watch them! A trailer that aways spooks me out it A Quiet Place, I kind of still want to watch that film but I am afraid that I won't sleep well after that. Sooo yeah... Good answer right?
6. What autumn book release are you looking forward to?
I wrote a post about all the releases I am anticipating, so I will link that here
7. What autumn film release are you anticipating?
Well, now because of the coronavirus everything is postponed, so I don't know. My boyfriend works at the cinema so he has more knowledge about it than me but it seems that not much is coming out (yet). I do hope that this will change because I was/am very excited for the new Mulan film (although that one is now released on Disney+) and James Bond. I guess we will see...
8. What are the three books you plan to read this autumn?
The top three of my to be read list are The Lord of the Rings (series) by J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fifth Season by N.K Jemisin and A Curse so Dark and Lonely by Bridgit Kemmerer. These are books I have bought recently and I am looking forward to reading them. Besides these, I still want Serpent & Dove and the just-released Blood & Honey by Shelby Mahurin because I heard so many great things about them!
Okay, these are my answers for this tag, I hope you enjoyed reading them. Please feel free to leave some spooky suggestions for both books and films in the comments! I will see you in the next one. 
Keep reading,
