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Hi! Welcome to my bookblog! My name is Julia, on this blog I share my most recent reads, books that I love and much more. Feel free to look around and leave any recommendations!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

20 Questions book tag

Today it is time for another book tag! I really like to answers these questions and I also think that this is a fun way for you to get to know me better. I found this 20 questions book tag on the blog Paper Fury and I wanted to fill these in myself.

1. How many books are too many for a series?

Depends on the series. I know a boring answer. But if a series is good I want all the books, I want to read everything the author wrote about the story. However, if I just enjoyed the books I do not want the story to become stretched out. I think that this can really lower the quality of the story. I read a lot of trilogies myself, but I do not want to say that the best series only have 3 books. 

2. How do you feel about cliffhangers?

I only like cliffhangers when I can read what happens next. When I am into a story I want to read on, I do not like waiting a year on the next book. But this happens like so I am waiting on the second book in the House of Earth and Blood series, or the third book in the Serpent & Dove series. This wait is painful but I'll be glad when I get my hands on these books. 

I do think that cliffhangers are important in stories, it does keep the reader interested in what is going on. Or you make sure that they want to read the next book, even though it is only to know what will happen next. I'm just impatient haha. 

3. Hardcover or paperback?

Both..? I like hardcovers because they are more firm and are beautiful on my bookshelf. However, they are hella expensive and my bank account hates me for it. That is why I have more paperbacks on my shelves. Talking of paperbacks, I really like the 'floppy' ones. The more stiff paperbacks I always break the spine off, oops. 

4. Favourite book?

I could write an entire essay answering this question, and I kind of did already. hahaha. I shared this post a few days ago where I went into this question, check it out!

5. Least favourite book?

I think this would be Cinderella is dead by Kalynn Bayron, for me this was an overhyped book on Bookstagram and I felt disappointed when I finished it. I have an entire post talking about my feelings for this book, you can read it here

6. Love triangles, yes or no?

No. I don't like these awkward moments, please just make a choice and get over it. haha. 

7. The most recent book you couldn't finish?

Ooohh this is a hard one, I almost never dnf a book. I don't know why, but I feel bad leaving a book unfinished so I almost always do. I can't even remember the last book is couldn't finish...

8. A book you're currently reading?

I am still in the midst of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, I wanted to read it before Blood & Honey, but I really needed to know what happened next in the Serpent & Dove series that I read it first. I starting The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin soon. 

9. Last book you recommended to someone?

I think it was the Six of Crows series to someone of bookstagram. I am not sure tho. However, I do really recommend this series!

10. Oldest book you've read by publication date?

This oldest epic poem I ever read was Beowulf, otherwise, it must be something from Shakespeare. An actual book would be Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen I think. 

11. Newest book you've read by publication date?

This is Blood & Honey by Shelby Mahurin, I just finished this one, my review is coming soon! Blood & Honey is the second book in the Serpent & Dove trilogy.

12. Favourite author?

I really look up to J.R.R. Tolkien, Sarah J. Maas is also one of my faves. I hope to reread her ACOTAR series before her newest book A Court of Silver Flames releases. This book will continue in the ACOTAR world but focuses on another main character. I cannot wait!

13. Buying books or borrowing books?

Even though it is an expensive hobby, I buy almost all the books I read. I am slowly filling up my shelves and try to read the books I bought before getting new ones. I do not always succeed but it is a fun challenge! 

14. A book you dislike that everyone seems to love?

Here I will repeat the novel Cinderella is dead, it just wasn't for me. I think I'm getting critical on fantasy books because this is the genre I read most and hope to write my own books in. I think I set my expectations too high. 

15. Bookmarks or dog ears?

Nowadays I use bookmarks in my books. But I still make a dog ear if it is a passage that I want to come back to. A Court of Mist and Fury contains a lot of dog ears oops. 

16. A book you can always re-read?

A Court of Mist and Fury *insert monkey with hands before eyes* haha!

17. Can you read while listening to music?

I can but only music without lyrics. Hearing people sing and reading words on paper is hard for me. I like to listen to LoFi hip hop music when I'm reading, mostly to set the mood. 

18. One pov or multiple?

Hmm, this is a hard one! The most books I read are with one pov, however, Serpent & Dove had 2 and I really enjoyed reading from the "guy's" perspective for once. Six of Crows also had multiple and I enjoyed those books too. I guess I really don't mind :)

19. Do you read a book in one sitting or in multiple days?

When a book is just so good, like Cresent City: House of Earth and Blood, I will (try to) read in one day. This is because I just cannot put it down and will procrastinate all the other things I have to do. Usually, I read books in multiple days. 

20. Who do you tag?

Anyone! Please feel free to fill in these questions yourself! Don't forget to share them with me so I can read your answers. :)

These were my answers to the 20 questions book tag! I hope you liked this post, I will see you soon!


