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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Blood & Honey by Shelby Mahurin - Review

Only a few weeks ago I read Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin. I loved the book, read my review here, and while I wanted to first read Frankenstein I just couldn't stop thinking about the series, so I picked up Blood & Honey. First off, both of these covers are STUNNING, I am so in love with them! I just had to mention this! Besides, I am assuming that you have already read Serpent & Dove while reading this post, it does contain some spoilers of the first book. Sorry!

Blood & Honey was very different from Serpent & Dove, the latter was softer (and sweet) and focused on the story and the world. Blood & Honey was much darker with a lot of character development. Lou goes through a difficult process during this book and is not always fully aware of this. Just as the fact that she is not always aware of the people that actually love her. Not only Lou is processing in this sequel. Serpent & Dove ended with the fact that Reid was also capable of producing magic, well, he needs to reconsider some of his beliefs too. Being brought up with the idea that magic is wrong is hard to forget, and even leads him into a difficult process of reevaluating his views and thoughts. 

This character development was nicely done, as a reader, I really felt both of their struggles. However, sometimes it went on too long. That is not a nice thing to say, but I just wanted them to be happy together and not struggle so much. This is, of course, out of my hands and does not make the book less good, but I did feel irritated sometimes because they couldn't work certain things out.  

I did like Serpent & Dove more than Blood & Honey, to be honest. During this book not so much happened in my opinion, or let me phrase that differently, there could have been more going on. Somewhere on Goodreads, I saw someone mention that it felt like a 'filler book', and I could relate with that. Although I do not feel it as strongly. The book does leave me very intrigued, I cannot believe that I have to wait until next year for the last book. The ending, although I didn't cry, was heartbreaking, I still cannot get my head around it. I just need the last book, okay?!

The new characters that were introduced during the book were very interesting. It just has so many lose string right now, I can't wait to see how it all comes together. 

Okay, so the romance. I wish there was more! I love the two together and I love the fact that we can read their story from two perspectives. Instead of only knowing one side of the story, as a reader, I think that I am now even more aware of what is going on in their relationship. You can grasp even better how deep their love for each other is despite the struggles they're having. 

Also, some respect for Reid putting up with Lou. She is really needing the time to find herself in this book and Reid still decides to support her. I just love it! 

But for real, I wanted more of those intense scenes between them. Mahurin just writes these scenes with sexual tension sooo good, it's almost addicting to read. Give me more of them in the last book!

To conclude, I cannot wait. I will definitely be preordering the last book, whatever its name will be. As a heads up, I will probably fangirl about it when it's here. Hahaah. Thank you all for reading this post, I see you in the next one! 


