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Hi! Welcome to my bookblog! My name is Julia, on this blog I share my most recent reads, books that I love and much more. Feel free to look around and leave any recommendations!

Saturday, January 2, 2021

How to read more books this year!

Happy new year!! As I wrote in my last post, I really like the start of a new year. The feeling of a fresh start and a new beginning, especially after a year like the last. To start this year off, I wanted to write a post filled with (hopefully) some motivation for this 2021. On Goodreads, I set the goal for myself to read 100 books. So I will probably need that motivation myself too. This goal of mine is very ambitious as I have never read this many books before. But I have hope that I will make it. Well, it's mostly because there are so many books that I want to read so I will have to read many books a year to read them all. Hihi. 

First off, I wanted to say that reading is supposed to be fun. So don't be too hard on yourself for the number of books you read. If you only read two books this year, you read two more than nothing and be proud of that. A number doesn't define you as a person, but make sure that the books that you read were enjoyable. 

That leads me to point number two. Read books that you enjoy. If you're watching a film by yourself and after 30 minutes you realise that you do not like the film, you will probably turn it off. Do this with books too. If you find yourself reading a book that is not to your taste, stop reading the book and find something else. If you do not read much, but want to read more. Choose books you're at least 90% certain of you will enjoy. They can still disappoint of course, but the chance of that is not so high. If you enjoy the first book you read this year, you are more likely to pick up another. 

Before choosing a book, read a little about them beforehand. Even though people say that sometimes it's better to know nothing about a book before you start. I think that it is smart to do a little research. Especially if you do not read that often, because like I said before, you want to read (and maybe even buy) books that you enjoy. So, before starting or buying the book. Read a few (spoiler-free) reviews and read at least the blurb of the book. If you're in a bookshop, maybe even read the first page. How a book starts is very important, if you find yourself hooked from the very first sentence, then that is a book you should definitely read. Bookstagram is also a good place to read reviews and opinions of others. However, be aware that sometimes books are hyped up a lot, but they still might not be your taste. 

Read books via different mediums! For university, I had to read a book that was written in a dialect of English. Which made it very hard for me to understand the book and discouraged me to read it. A classmate suggested that I should try out the audiobook, which was the best advice ever! To hear it out loud made it easier for me to understand and in the end, I actually enjoyed the book. Doing this made me realise how convenient audiobooks are. How much I like to read a physical book, an audiobook can be listened to anywhere, while I cannot a physical book when I'm driving a car or working out. I am also thinking of buying an e-reader, just because it is easier to take with me than one (or multiple) books. I still enjoy physical books the most, but these options do make reading easier. 

If you're new to reading or wanting to increase the number of books you read, I suggest starting small. Set a goal for yourself to read one page per day for a month or to read 10 minutes before bed. What (hopefully) will happen is that you will read more. One page per day is not much and it is a small, and an easy to achieve goal, but if you enjoy the book you're reading, you may want to read more than just a page. However, don't force yourself. Reading will also come naturally and it should be enjoyable. 

For me, reading is a way to 'escape' our daily life. It allows me to step into another world, another person. I learn from books, they shape my worldview and I enjoy to be away for some time. Especially during Covid, reading helped me a lot to get through my days. I love the feeling of being sucked into a story and to obsess over them with others. Reading is a passion I will never let go again.  

I hope you enjoyed reading these tips and found some motivation to read more books this year. I also hope that you enjoy the process and the books you read. I would love to hear some of the books you want to read this year in the comments below. See you in the next one!

With love,

