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Hi! Welcome to my bookblog! My name is Julia, on this blog I share my most recent reads, books that I love and much more. Feel free to look around and leave any recommendations!

Monday, February 1, 2021

6 months of book blogging #FaeFebruary

Well, this is it then. The day (the month!) I've been preparing for since the start of this year. 6 months ago, today, I started my book blog. I'm happy to say that during these months I was able to post at least twice a week. Only during the holidays, I slipped up a little, but a break should be fine every now and then. I'm just happy that writing a few posts each week has become a habit. One I enjoy a lot. 

During these 6 months, I've seen a lot of improvement in the blog posts I write and the photos I take. I've taken it more seriously. Even though I still do this for fun, I hope to improve my writing so I can make it my work later! 

Another fun fact. During these 6 months, I have doubled the number of books I own... DOUBLED. When I realised this, I was kind of in shock. This is what book blogging and Bookstagram does I guess. omg. 

So, you might be wondering. #FaeFebruary, what's that?! I don't know exactly when I came up with the idea, but as you might know, I'm kind of a big fan of fae. Besides, this month Sarah J. Maas' A Court of Silver Flames will be published as well. Because of this, I decided to devote my blog to all things related to fae (and faerie, elves, etc.) this month! I've been reading quite a lot, and if you follow me on Goodreads you might have noticed the trend in fae related books! Through my exams and deadlines, I've been reading as much as I can to make this happen. I hope you are as excited as I am! I will not be posting every day, but as much as possible. You can follow me on Instagram to get notified when I post, a picture means a blog post this month! You can also follow this blog by subscribing and get notified by email when I share a post. I also (randomly?) created a Twitter account, so you can follow me on there if you like.

Okay, now enough with all the promo. Thank you so much for reading my blog and following me on my social media. I hope you look forward to this month, I do! See you soon!

With love,

